Friday, January 28, 2011

Weight in....

                    So I had weight in today. I was nervous since I ate all my weeklies and almost all my activity points, normally I eat all my weeklies but not activity points. Plus I missed the gym once, well it turned out okay since I lost another 2 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!
                    Today I also had a great lunch, it was Healthy choice steam tv dinner. I never eat these since they are so high in sodium but I wanted a change. I highly recommend the Lemon Herb Chicken. I even added a teaspoon of parmesan cheese.
                   This weeks challenges will be eating out on sunday and getting to the gym more. I am also going to aim to eat more power foods as weight watchers wants. It just means lean meat, veggies, fruit, filling foods, and I think I can do it.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

New favorites.........

            I have a new favorite yogurt. I get the yoplait light pineapple upside down cake. I add extra pineapple either from a can or fresh depending on what we have in the house. Then mix it all together and enjoy. It is so good and like a dessert but healthy.
           Then tonight we are having fish. I am not a huge fan usually but I am really loving tilapia. Tonight it is soaking in lemon pepper marinade. We will have baked potatoes and salad to go with it.
           I have been working out about 4 times a week. Running on the treadmill as much as I can but lately my ankle and knee have be sore, but yesterday I pushed passed the pain and kept going. Don't get my wrong I know it was good pain but it still isn't fun. I really want to be able to run the 5k come august. I will do it! I can do it!
           Well time to go coupon clip. More later.....

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Birthday parties....

           Today is a birthday party for a little one in our play group. I love parties like these for many reasons. One the families in the playgroup are awesome and I can make a get together for me more about hanging out then food. It is alot easier to ignore the unhealthy food when you are having a great conversation, that being said I love birthday cake....but really who doesn't. My plan today is to share a small piece of cake with Austin. Not eating a whole piece but getting a few bites will be the perfect solution.
           As for breakfast today I had one of my new favorites that I must share. So I found this yoplait yogurt flavor that I just love. It is yoplait light pineapple unside-down cake yogurt. I take that and dump it into a bowl and add either fresh pineapple chunks or unsweeten canned pineapple chunks. It is so filling and not that high calorie. I gave Shelly a taste and she thought it tasted like a pina colada. i recommend trying this even if you don't like coconut. Let me know if you try it.
           Well I should really go and finish getting ready for the party. More to come.....:)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The beginning....

           I found my self slowly putting on weight over the last few years. I had lost all the baby weight but found with life I got lazy and gained it all back. So I decided to take control and get my body and self image back to where I want it. Six weeks ago I rejoined weight watchers and started watching what I ate. I also started going to the YMCA more often and putting my self first a little more. So far I have lost 8.8 pounds. I am feeling better already but have about another 30 pounds to lose so I decided to start a blog about workouts, recipes, and more that are helping me on my journey in hopes of helping others too. So feel free to read and enjoy.